Tuesday, August 25, 2009

back at it

soooo, what was i saying? crafting? oh, yes. i'm still doing that! though i will admit that my 'unfinished project' basket items may outnumber my 'show-and-tell' stash. i'm building momentum to get back at it again and really get business started for by hand at home. (will also be at http://byhandathome.etsy.com).

my amazingly talented friend lanz is helping me to design a logo. i am working on a business plan and making stuff! but for now, in the interest of getting back at it, i thought i would start posting here. i've got to get our picture system down so i will be able to get photos up myself (marc was helping me last time), but my goal is to *at least* begin posting a few times a week. thus, i thought i would begin by sharing an unfinished project once weekly and see how far that takes me. then, by posting it, i will also be expressing my intent to finish said project. now that could be tricky.

more lofty goals to follow. tomorrow i'll post a tiny project that i am sure can be finished in a snap. maybe i'll even finish it now so i can get a jump on these wild aspirations. and speaking of snaps - anybody have a spare snap press lying around?


anne said...

yay! i knew there was a reason i left your blog in my reader! ;)

Lindsay said...

I have a snap press with your name on it, birthday girl.

kendra said...

you ladies rock!!! thanks for commenting, i so appreciate it! if only i were as organized (note to self: rss). lindsay - are you serious?!

Lindsay said...

Yes, I am serious. It is for heavy duty and Western-style snaps.

kendra said...
