Tuesday, November 24, 2009

a peek

so here is what i made for anne. she had sent me a link to some pretty sweater scarves and confessed that it almost made her run out to the goodwill and get some sweaters to piece together. well, heck, i've got plenty, i thought... though it turns out not so much. when looking to piece, i couldn't find enough that looked good together in pretty colors, and then i also realized i had no nice lining fabric. then it hit me - i already had the perfect scarf base, it just needed a little something. i trimmed off the edge and added another sweater's snowflakes as perfect pockets. yay! here's a peek of me wearing it before it got into the mail!

i sent her a couple of mice for the kitties too. one was version 2 (never shown here) stuffed with catnip, plus one of the lavender/rice numbers. meanwhile, i have been sooo enjoying dipping leaves in beeswax. we gave over the mini crockpot (came with the regular crockpot) to beeswax, so it is easy peasy. here's just a peek (i've done tons!).

and now for a peek at the sewing room. i may just be a peeks-only kind of poster anyways. the other half of this room looks like a giant trash heap. but i did make something to show for it! it still needs finishing of course... now if you can't tell, these shelves are actually organized, with boxes and labels on the right. the computer and printer are hooked up and the scanner is on its way. art is hung. i like to think of the big chunks of wool on the top shelves as 'happy little clouds'.

a view from the door. see my cute chalkboard and boy stacking printer ink cartridge boxes? and lola. not sure what she is looking at!?

1 Comment:

anne said...

I <3 my scarf! Almost as much as the cat did when it smelled like catnip! ;)

Pretty blue on your walls! I'm going to copy you.