Friday, November 27, 2009

mice in the house

i've been working out those last kinks in mousing, and i'm now proud to have a few for sale in my shop! their ears have been secured with extra hand-stitching (though future ears may be meeting the machine first!), and they smell like sweet lavender. each uniquely adorable.

i am planning for a local elementary school craft fair (dec. 5) and working extra hard to have many mice and other offerings. but, i thought it would be seriously unfair of me to offer these locally without giving everyone everywhere the opportunity for a mouse (or other) friend! seastars with jingle bells on their way too! enjoy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


here's that project i was hinting at. another inspiration from maryellen's goodies. those autumnal prints were just begging me to become a banner (sort of a mix of alicia paulson's birthday banner and amanda soule's dream banner). another friend of mine makes similar banners in paper, and i loved the 'blessings' banner that adorned her family's living space for some time. i initially intended to make multiples for family gifts and to mix the fabrics, but simplicity won out. i think it looks just perfect. i have an idea for the back too - just wait! i'm very excited to add this grateful reminder to our home during these grey months. we are feeling extremely thankful today for our countless blessings. thanks to you!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

a peek

so here is what i made for anne. she had sent me a link to some pretty sweater scarves and confessed that it almost made her run out to the goodwill and get some sweaters to piece together. well, heck, i've got plenty, i thought... though it turns out not so much. when looking to piece, i couldn't find enough that looked good together in pretty colors, and then i also realized i had no nice lining fabric. then it hit me - i already had the perfect scarf base, it just needed a little something. i trimmed off the edge and added another sweater's snowflakes as perfect pockets. yay! here's a peek of me wearing it before it got into the mail!

i sent her a couple of mice for the kitties too. one was version 2 (never shown here) stuffed with catnip, plus one of the lavender/rice numbers. meanwhile, i have been sooo enjoying dipping leaves in beeswax. we gave over the mini crockpot (came with the regular crockpot) to beeswax, so it is easy peasy. here's just a peek (i've done tons!).

and now for a peek at the sewing room. i may just be a peeks-only kind of poster anyways. the other half of this room looks like a giant trash heap. but i did make something to show for it! it still needs finishing of course... now if you can't tell, these shelves are actually organized, with boxes and labels on the right. the computer and printer are hooked up and the scanner is on its way. art is hung. i like to think of the big chunks of wool on the top shelves as 'happy little clouds'.

a view from the door. see my cute chalkboard and boy stacking printer ink cartridge boxes? and lola. not sure what she is looking at!?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

happy birdie sling! (crafty SHE!)

today is my friend, anne's birthday (yaaay!!!). for my birthday this year, she gave me a spectacular handmade gift. i looooove it!

i took this birdie sling with me on a rare night out to see everyone who looks like you, the latest by hand2mouth theatre (and my beloved, marc). i actually did most of my woolly caterpillar embroidery while waiting for the show to start (and that whole sweater didn't even make a dent in the birdie sling's capacity!). until the lights dimmed (when i switched to knitting - also in the bag).

man, it makes my backside look good too!

we were travelling in iowa when anne bestowed this gift upon me. and i was making up all those mitts, so of course the first thing i did was to stuff the bag full of yarn, hooks, and everything i needed for my projects! i tried to give you an idea here, the bag is gloriously accommodating. i only wish i had a better camera to show you - can you see the fabric for the lining? so pretty!

i am afraid i didn't get a better picture of the pockets, as requested via the interweb, but i do adore them. the magnetic snap on the large pocket is super helpful, and of course a cell phone pocket is a great idea (especially for me, i am always misplacing it!). she even included a little matching tissue holder - you don't know how thrilled i was at this after having attended two weddings unprepared!

and that is something i always admire about anne. she is an organizational inspiration, a brilliant writer, and a most thoughtful friend. i will always remember her college care package to me, at a particularly rough time, including homemade brownies and bubble bath. the best.

as i have been organizing my studio, whenever i start to feel overwhelmed by my mess, i wish anne could help me, and i try to channel some anne thinking and skills. she inspires me with her gorgeous photos and put-together projects, and i love talking craft with anne. speaking of which, i fully intend to post some studio pictures soon (really!). and i'm hoping anne will help me, by posting hers as well! i can promise at least one corner!

happy birthday anne, i love you!

Monday, November 16, 2009

sweater stuffs

i love re-crafting with sweaters. pretty much whenever there's a project, my first thought is: sweater! maybe not always wisely (case in point: knitting needle holder). but lately i've been finding sweaters that are really nice. this one i just started wearing out of necessity, and then couldn't give it up. it's a zip-up with a hood, and of course 100% wool (i avoid the blends). plus, a grand opportunity... on the inner arm; two small holes awaiting repair. i sewed around them with needle and thread - and then designed this woolly bear caterpillar (aka isabella moth)!

i've been wearing these next sweater sleeves with absolutely no finishing, though holes abound. in fact, they first became impromptu arm warmers because they already sported thumb-holes on each sleeve! finally, i finished the cut end and zig-zag stitched around those thumb-holes to finish them (plus sewed around some other tiny holes too). then i patched on this argyle diamond and sewed a strand of yarn across to complete the pattern! i am in love! more argyle patches to come? oh yes.

so as far as the shop update goes... oh boy. i was ready to go with these sweet mousies, but i received a couple signs that another rendition is needed (their ears need to be more secure - machine-stitched, i think). i'm open to suggestion - or if you're interested in testing one out, i'd be happy to send one your way too! i should mention they are stuffed with wool scrap, organic brown rice, and organic lavender. mmmmm!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


i finally got my long-awaited weekend sewing from the library. too much loveliness for one weekend. though other projects pulled me, i couldn't get my mind off the little zippered bag. i needed such a bag. and the zipper was truly tantalizing after seeing some others' work with them. plus, i had this fabric from maryellen that was just begging me to become this bag.

the adorable lining is made from the fabric below, which i used a bit of to stitch up a little hair-band bag to go in my massive bathroom bag (measuring issues there). i think i basically followed the drawstring bag instructions from linen, cotton, wool. (it's on hold at the library again!)

i actually cut enough material for another zipper-bag. it has yet to hit the ironing board & sewing machine, but it is ready to go! like it?

more cards - and a seasons round spoiler

i've been very busy working on lots of little things, so here are a few more. before i post them, a head's up that my second project here will certainly be included in my seasons round exchange package. so to my partner andrea, if you're hoping to be surprised, read no further!

first then, here's a mess of cards i made up. the yellow ones are just stamped with an eraser and pad (i think i got the idea in a martha stewart magazine long ago), and then i tried a little toddler handprint on the white - cute even in its smear. the christmas card is on it's way to a little boy celebrating an early christmas. i heard about it through a friend on facebook. his wish was to receive lots of cards, and that seems easy enough, so send yours along!

we're still having camera issues here. it seems that we may have gotten some sand in there because there's a fun grainy-grinding noise when it tries to focus. not that my picture of the next could do it justice anyway. it's a cross between a dreamcatcher and a prism and a snowflake, at least in my mind. i lashed the sticks together then wove a little yarn design in the middle from which to hang crystals. these capture all those little bits of light through the window and throw rainbows on the wall. when the sun comes out on our front window, we celebrate 'rainbow time'! and watch the colors dance!

there will be more crystal light catchers to come, for sure! perhaps with more intricate weavings, or even a six-sided stick lashing (for more snowflake-like effect). i was blessed with lots of sewing room time this past weekend, and i actually completed a project from weekend sewing! plus some more recycled sweater goodies to show off - even a little for my shop! coming soon...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

a little glue

hopefully goes a long way in cheering a friend in the hospital (who at this posting has returned home. hooray!). glued up this card + little sewn journal; with vintage book page mod podge cover featuring elephants having: "a mango party." also included a dahlia from our front yard (no joke, they are still blooming). chicken soup. and one of the gorgeous hankies you may have seen from my new stash. just spreading the love.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

costume revamp headgear

last year's farmer and black sheep! awwww!

sheep costume gets a new hat (made the morning of, as usual) to become... a bear! (or cat or puppy, but the tail is still short like a lamb/bear)! plus some more recycled sweater work for a headband and horns for papa.

awww! happy halloween!